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Course Offerings

We've developed six courses in TIAMAT delivered across both live and online mediums. Each course integrates practices in two of the core cognitive mechanics: Metacognition, Somatic Awareness, Transjective Rationality and Active Imagination. Across 12-weeks, you'll be facilitated from introductory steps through to fluency by layering practices. We strongly recommend signing up with a friend/partner/family member you are in constant contact with to encourage continuity and ease of practice.

Every course is priced at a standard rate of 1000USD/pax with concessions given to students.


Due to the nature of the content, every weekly lesson will be facilitated in real-time, for a maximum of 6 people per intake.


Temui Pelatih Anda

Ethan Chia adalah Direktur Artistik 5ToMidnight International.

5ToMidnight International adalah organisasi seni yang didirikan di tiga negara Asia: Taiwan, Jepang, dan Indonesia. Ini menyediakan layanan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan seni dan budaya melalui program komunitas, layanan seniman, residensi dan pelatihan dan pembuatan pertunjukan.

Ethan menghabiskan 8 tahun sebagai aktor lepas, sutradara, dan relawan penjangkauan pemuda di Singapura hingga usia 23 tahun.

Sebelum mendirikan 5ToMidnight, Ethan menghadiri Royal Central School of Speech and Drama for a BA (Hons) in Acting for Collaborative and Devised Theater. Setelah itu, ia mengembangkan metode psikofisik pelatihan aktor melalui penelitian berbasis praktik dengan perusahaan, mengadakan lokakarya di lima negara di seluruh dunia.

Dia adalah seorang Life Coach bersertifikat, Praktisi Mindfulness dan terapis pijat dan secara teratur diundang untuk memberikan ceramah publik di Taiwan, Jepang dan Indonesia tentang peran mindfulness dalam pelatihan aktor. Ia juga seorang Konsultan Program di The Open Mind Institute di Brisbane, Australia.

We also collaborate with you to tailor programs across different contexts. Whether you are in business, the arts or an institution, please reach out to find out how we can bring TIAMAT-based programming to your community!

Corporate Training

We'll design a 6 to 12-week bespoke program for your company.


Let's share a space, train and/or make some art together

Individual Coaching

Receive private TIAMAT training for yourself or with friends.

School Programs

We provide TIAMAT training for your performing arts students.

TIAMAT Workshops

We will work with you to organize a workshop in your city.

Drop-in Events

Watch our News page for event announcements live and online!

For collaborations on any of our programs, please contact us below.

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